  • Organic Sprouted Brown Chickpea Flour 500g

Organic Sprouted Brown Chickpea Flour 500g

SKU: 8906079571248
US $ 3.12
(Inclusive of all taxes)
Our sprouted brown chickpea flour is prepared after soaking and sprouting the brown chickpea in our facility. It is then airdried at low temperatures to retain maximum nutrition and then cold milled (Ie flour is not heated while milling) & not exposed to scorching heat. This make our sprouted brown chickpea flour rich in nutrients and taste.
Country of Origin: India
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Key Features

  • Naturally Rich in protein
  • Rich source of fiber, protein, Iron, Thiamin, Vitamin C and many other vitamins and minerals.
  • Naturally gluten free, low in fat, and has a low glycemic index.
  • It is a very good source of protein for vegetarians.

Benefits of sprouted grains and flours


The sprouting process increases the nutritional content of the grains.  The grains become alive, and the nutrition is readily bio-available

It is easily digestible and greater nutrition assimilation in the body happens due to bioavailability

The sprouting process also reduces the anti-nutrients (like phytic acid) which essentially bind to the minerals and does not allow the body to digest them.


How to use?

Usage is just like besan and can be a great substitue for besan. Make cheelas, theplas and pakoras using sprouted chickpea flour.


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