  • Sprouted Multi Millet Malt 200g

Sprouted Multi Millet Malt 200g

SKU: 8906079571347
Rating5/5 based on 1 reviews
US $ 2.50
(Inclusive of all taxes)
Our Organic Sprouted Multi Millet Malt is sourced from Organic farmer groups. 100% Certified Organic & Grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farming practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability. Dhatu Sprouted Millet Malt is made from: Foxtail Millet, Browntop Millet, Kodo Millet, Little Millet. All the four types of Millets are sprouted, dried, mildly roasted to bring out the aroma and cold-milled to retain the most nutrients. Cardamom and Ginger Powder are also added to further add flavor and also further aid the digestion and assimilation of the nutrients.
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Quality Assurance: “We At Rootz believe, current & future generations have rights to clean food”. We work with more than 200 organic farmers & farmer groups committed to ethical organic farming practices contributing to a cleaner world.

To know more about us , visit us at www.rootzorganics.in”

Importance of organic:
Opting for organic food ensures that it has been grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farming practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability.


Rating 5/5 based on 1 reviews

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